Results for 'Soetarmin Purwo S. Dono'

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  1.  14
    Wedha sanyata seputar Islam.Soetarmin Purwo S. Dono - 2010 - Bantul: Kreasi Wacana.
    Understanding Islam through vernacular culture in Indonesia.
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    Kilas sekejap tentang sejarah Islam.Soetarmin Purwo S. Dono - 2015 - Blora: Pataba Press.
    History of Islam from persepctives of sciences in Indonesia.
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    COVID-19 and two sides of the coin of religiosity.Sergei V. Kolganov, Balachandran Vadivel, Mark Treve, Dono Kalandarova & Natalia V. Fedorova - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):7.
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) first appeared in China in late 2019 and since then it has become a pandemic. Various countries, in accordance with their cultures, have adopted different approaches to deal with the spread of this disease. The dimensions of this disease and its global spread are such that it will certainly have enormous effects on various aspects of human life for many years. One of these issues is examining the approach of religious countries in dealing with this crisis. (...)
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  4. Uno piccolo dono' : a software tool for comparing the first edition of Machiavelli's The prince to its sixteenth century French translations.Jean-Claude Zancarini - 2015 - In Filippo Del Lucchese, Fabio Frosini & Vittorio Morfino (eds.), The radical Machiavelli: politics, philosophy and language. Boston: Brill.
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    Augustine on God’s Intus Activity.Margaret R. Miles - forthcoming - Augustinian Studies.
    St. Augustine’s commitment to the doctrine of predestination did not change from the early days of his ministry in the mid-390s to his last writings and sermons, shortly before his death in 430 CE. Two genres of Augustine’s late communications address his teachings on predestination: First, his treatises, including De praedestinatione sanctorum and De dono perseuerantiae (CE 427–428); second—and of greater interest for this article—his often-overlooked mature and late sermons. Although treatises and sermons were contemporaneous, Augustine’s purposes differ in (...)
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    Ewé: a chave do portal: o conceito de saúde e doença conforme a filosofia ioruba, a ritualística do equilíbrio físico e espiritual através do elemento vegetal.Márcio de Jagun - 2019 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Litteris Editora.
    Estruturando conceitos (raízes do conhecimento). Noções sobre a gramática Ioruba -- O complexo Jêje-nagô -- A palavra e suas possibilidades -- A natureza e o homem -- Corpo individual e corpo coletivo -- A noção de saúde física e mental -- O surgimento da doença -- Os Ajogun -- Especificando conteúdos (ramos de conhecimento). A medicina Ioruba -- Òsányìn, o dono de todos os vegetais -- A folha e a sabedoria -- Omolu, o grande médico -- Os àwon Òrìsà (...)
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    Trust and ethics: ambivalent foundations of relationship and sui generis forms of gift.Simone D'Alessandro - 2020 - Science and Philosophy 8 (2):105-143.
    Is there a circular relationship between trust and ethics? Is it possible to alter their relationship, changing the perception that social actors have of them? How has trust changed in the transition from modernity to post-modernity and how does it change in times of crisis? Starting from the epistemological assumption that progress in the social sciences is determined by the change in the theoretical horizon produced by “a reformulation of metaphysical assumptions” [1] and combining this path with the relational perspective, (...)
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    Wittgenstein's doctrine of the tyranny of language.S. Morris Engel - 1971 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    STEPHEN TOULMIN George Santayana used to insist that those who are ignorant of the history of thought are doomed to re-enact it. To this we can add a corollary: that those who are ignorant of the context of ideas are doom ed to misunderstand them. In a few self-contained fields such as pure mathematics, concepts and conceptual systems can perhaps be de tached from their historico-cultural situations; so that (for instance) a self-taught Ramanujan, living alone in India, mastered number theory (...)
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    T︠S︡ennosti otechestvennoĭ nravstvennoĭ kulʹtury: monografii︠a︡.Aza Stepanovna Frant︠s︡ - 2018 - Ekaterinburg: Uralʹskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ pedagogicheskiĭ universitet.
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    Erratum: "Hegel's conception of nature".S. Alexander - 1887 - Mind 12 (45):160.
  11. Leninskie print︠s︡ipy nravstvennogo vospitanii︠a︡ lichnosti.S. F. Anisimov - 1973
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    Mordecai Kaplan's Approach to Jewish Mysticism.S. Daniel Breslauer - 1995 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 4 (1):39-54.
  13.  18
    (Re)constructing social hierarchies: a critical discourse analysis of an international charity’s visual appeals.S. Gellen & R. D. Lowe - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (2):280-300.
    A British coffee chain’s fundraising practices constitute a background for this study to examine ideological discourses behind British charitable giving. The charity executes projects in coffee growing communities by providing education for children in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. The study takes a critical stance from a discursive paradigmatic perspective to analyse visual contents used by the charity. The applied visual critical discourse analysis was inspired by Barthes’ semiotic theory. Findings suggest that the adverts’ interpretative repertoires can serve ideologies that sustain the donors’ (...)
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    L'inscrutabile voce della triade. I tintinnabuli di Arvo Pärt tra filosofia e liturgia.Marcello La Matina - 2010 - Doctor Virtualis 10:263-285.
    Può il brusio di una voce essere anche il luogo di una lingua? E vale questa topica anche nel caso in cui la voce sia quella di uno strumento musicale? Queste domande sono alla base della indagine sulla tecnica compositiva della tintinnabulatio, inventata e sperimentata dal musicista estone Arvo Pärt . I tintinnabuli consistono di due elementi apparentemente contraddittori: la sonorità pastosa dello zvod e l’armonia della triade perfetta. Muovendo da un disco ricevuto in dono e dalla interpretazione in (...)
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  15. The Dualist Cartoonist's View of JCS.S. Mascari - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (12):62-63.
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    Finley’s War Years.F. S. Naiden - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (2):243-266.
    Finley’s life during and just after World War II, although neglected by biographers and others interested in his career, was a formative period for him. A successful activist for Soviet-solidarity organizations, he learned lessons in public outreach that would affect his teaching and later public activity, and absorbed experiences that found their way into his first well-known book, The World of Odysseus. During this period he changed his name from Finkelstein to Finley, a shift emblematic of his adjustment to a (...)
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  17. A Critique of Foucault's Power And Knowledge.S. Panneerselvam - 2000 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 27 (1/2):13-28.
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  18. "Po lit︠s︡u bezdny": ocherk naturfilosofii kulʹta.Andreĭ Polozhent︠s︡ev - 2007 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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    Semiotika kont︠s︡eptov: vechnye indoevropeĭskie temy, vera, nadezhda, li︠u︡bovʹ: monografii︠a︡.S. G. Proskurin - 2008 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. arkhitekturno-stroitelʹnyĭ universitet. Edited by L. A. Kharlamova.
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  20. Frane Petric's Commentary on Petrarch.S. Roic - 1996 - Synthesis Philosophica 11:399-408.
  21.  9
    Mājarā-yi falsafah dar Īrān-i muʻāṣir =.Ṣadīq Yazdchī & Muḥammad Ḥusayn - 2013 - Köln, Germany: Intishārāt-i Furūgh.
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  22. The cognitive and the non-cognitive in Dewey's theory of valuation.S. Morris Eames - 1961 - Journal of Philosophy 58 (7):179-195.
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    What’s yours is ours: waiving intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines.Nancy S. Jecker & Caesar A. Atuire - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (9):595-598.
    This paper gives an ethical argument for temporarily waiving intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines. It examines two proposals under discussion at the World Trade Organization : the India/South Africa proposal and the WTO Director General proposal. Section I explains the background leading up to the WTO debate. Section II rebuts ethical arguments for retaining current IP protections, which appeal to benefiting society by spurring innovation and protecting rightful ownership. It sets forth positive ethical arguments for a temporary waiver that (...)
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    Autonomy's Many Normative Presuppositions.Henry S. Richardson - 2001 - American Philosophical Quarterly 38 (3):287 - 303.
  25.  44
    Reviews. Kurt Gödel. What is Cantor's continuum problem? The American mathematical monthly, vol. 54 , pp. 515–525.S. C. Kleene - 1948 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 13 (2):116-117.
  26. The problem of other minds: Wittgenstein's phenomenological perspective.Søren Overgaard - 2006 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 5 (1):53-73.
    This paper discusses Wittgenstein's take on the problem of other minds. In opposition to certain widespread views that I collect under the heading of the “No Problem Interpretation,” I argue that Wittgenstein does address some problem of other minds. However, Wittgenstein's problem is not the traditional epistemological problem of other minds; rather, it is more reminiscent of the issue of intersubjectivity as it emerges in the writings of phenomenologists such as Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, and Heidegger. This is one sense in which (...)
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  27. Plato's Simile of Light. Part I. The Similes of The Sun and The Line.A. S. Ferguson - 1921 - Classical Quarterly 15 (3-4):131-.
    No part ot Plato's writings has been more debated than the three similes in Books VI.-VII. of the Republic, and still there is a diversity of opinion about their meaning. I believe that most of these difficulties arise from certain assumptions about their purpose which need revision. The current view applies the Cave to the Line, as Plato seems to direct, and this application, which is itself attended by considerable difficulties, leads to an assimilation of the two figures till they (...)
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  28. Qualcosa manca… Un dialogo sulle contraddizioni del desiderio utopico [Something is missing… A dialogue on the contradictions of utopian longing].Ernst Bloch & Theodor Adorno - 2006 - la Società Degli Individui 26:11-26.
    In questo dialogo radiofonico del 1964 Bloch e Adorno discutono della nostalgia per ciò che non è ancora, per un qualcosa che manca, come af¬fermato nel Mahagonny di Bertolt Brecht. L’utopia, in Moro e Campa¬nella, era l’isola in cui vigeva uno stato di cose giusto, la optima res pu¬blica. L’utopia è quindi ricerca di realizzazione, di libertà, di giustizia. Nonostante oggi la parola ‘utopia’ sia caduta in discredito a causa del com¬piersi di un gran numero di cosiddetti sogni utopici, tutti (...)
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  29. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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  30. The deliberative democrat’s Idea of Justice.John S. Dryzek - 2013 - European Journal of Political Theory 12 (4):329-346.
    In Amartya Sen’s The Idea of Justice, democracy is necessary for the reconciliation of plural justice claims. Sen’s treatment of democracy is however incomplete and inadequate: democracy is under-specified, there are unrecognized difficulties in any context featuring deep moral disagreement or deep division and a conceptualization of public reason in the singular erodes his pluralism. These faults undermine Sen’s account of justice. Developments in the theory of deliberative democracy can be deployed to remedy these deficiencies. This deployment points to a (...)
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    Heidegger’s resonance with engineering: The primacy of practice.W. P. S. Dias - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (3):523-532.
    This paper describes how some aspects of Martin Heidegger’s philosophy resonate strongly with an engineering outlook. He argued that practice was more “primordial” than theory, though preserving an important role for theoretical understanding as well, thus speaking to the gap between engineering education (highly theoretical) and engineering practice (mostly empirical). He also underlined the reality of “average” practices into which we are socialized, though affirming the potential for original work and action too, thus providing the grounds for self-actualization whether within (...)
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    Hume's Scepticism: Pyrrhonian and Academic.Peter S. Fosl - 2019 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Peter S. Fosl offers a radical interpretation of Hume as a thoroughgoing sceptic on epistemological, metaphysical and doxastic grounds. He first contextualises Hume's thought in the sceptical tradition and goes on to interpret the conceptual apparatus of his work - including the Treatise, Enquiries, Essays, History, Dialogues and letters.
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    Men's responses to feminism at the turn of the century.Michael S. Kimmel - 1987 - Gender and Society 1 (3):261-283.
    This article examines the variety of men's responses to feminism in late nineteenthand early twentieth-century United States through texts that addressed the claims raised by the turn-of-the-century women's movements. Antifeminist texts relied on traditional arguments, as well as Social Darwinist and natural law notions, to reassert the patriarchal family and to oppose women's suffrage and participation in the public sphere. Masculinist texts sought to combat the purported feminization of American manhood by proposing islands of masculinity, untainted by feminizing forces; proscribed (...)
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    Kierkegaard's Concluding unscientific postscript.Søen Kierkegaard, David F. Swenson & Walter Lowrie - 1941 - Princeton,: Princeton university press, for American Scandinavian foundation. Edited by David F. Swenson & Walter Lowrie.
    A new translation of Concluding Unscientific Postscript, with an introduction that sets the work in its philosophical and historical contexts.
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    Children’s experiences of online philosophical dialogues.Caroline Schaffalitzky, Søren Sindberg Jensen & Frederik Schou-Juul - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-27.
    Researchers are increasingly interested in the impact of philosophical dialogues with children. Studies have shown that this approach helps realise dialogic ideals in learning environments and that Philosophy with Children significantly impacts children’s cognitive and social skills. However, other aspects of this approach have attracted less attention – for example, given the focus on children’s thinking, voices and perspectives in Philosophy with Children, surprisingly few studies have examined how children experience philosophical dialogues. The aim of this study was to help (...)
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    Averroës on Plato's "Republic.".S. . - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (2):339-340.
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    The ‘Ian’ of Euripides, by H. B. L. London, Williams and Norgate. 4 s. 6 d.S. A. - 1889 - The Classical Review 3 (07):309-310.
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    Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. Souvenir Volume.Daniel S. Robinson - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (2):281-282.
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    A consideration of Hunter's criticism of Lashley.S. H. Bartley & F. T. Perkins - 1931 - Psychological Review 38 (1):27-41.
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  40. Carlyle's Debt to Goethe.James A. S. Barrett - 1931 - Hibbert Journal 30:61.
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    Franz Caucig’s „Phaedrus”.Geoffrey S. Bove & Ilter Coskun - 2020 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 14 (4):7-21.
    The article interprets Franz Caucig’s Socrates with a Disciple and Diotima?, one of several paintings commissioned for Palais Auersperg in Vienna, now housed at the Slovenian National Gallery. Socrates and a young man are in a pastoral setting beneath a plane tree near a river. They are addressed by a woman, and a chariot with maidens can be seen in the background. The scene is from Plato’s Phaedrus, since Socrates never leaves Athens, except for military service and in this scene (...)
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    The Origin of Death in some Ancient Near Eastern Religions1: S. G. F. BRANDON.S. G. F. Brandon - 1966 - Religious Studies 1 (2):217-228.
    The Irish poet W. B. Yeats once wrote, with great sapience and perception: Nor dread, nor hope attend A dying animal; A man awaits his end Dreading and hoping all. That death has ever been a problem to man is attested as far back as we can trace our species in the archaeological record—indeed, it seems to have been a problem even for that immediate precursor of homo sapiens, the so-called Neanderthal Man; for he buried his dead.
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    Judicial review: a practising judge's perspective.S. Breyer - 1999 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 19 (2):153-166.
    In this lecture Justice Breyer examines three classical criticisms of constitutional judicial review. Those criticisms say that a grant to unelected judges of the power to set aside legislation as contrary to a written constitution leads to judicial decision-making that is (a) undemocratic, (b) subjective, and impractical. Justice Breyer describes features of the constitutional decision-making that do not dictate results in individual cases, but none the less hold the judges' 'subjective' will in check. He also describes necessary judicial efforts to (...)
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    Nietzsche’s Concept of Consciousness.Richard S. Brown - 1985 - International Studies in Philosophy 17 (2):69-77.
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    From the Autobiographical Letters of S. T. Coleridge.S. T. Coleridge - 1981 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 2 (3-4):46-47.
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    S. I. Adán. Problema algoritma . Nauka i žizn′, no. 8 , pp. 13–14.Ann S. Ferebee - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):540.
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  47. Geniĭ krivomyslii︠a︡: Rene Dekart i frant︠s︡uzskai︠a︡ slovesnostʹ Velikogo Veka.S. L. Fokin - 2023 - Moskva: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.
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  48. Aspects of the relation between philosophy and esotericism in Moshe Idel's perspective.S. Frunza - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (10).
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    Fermi liquid behavior and Luttinger's theorem close to a diverging scattering length.S. Gaudio, J. Jackiewicz & K. S. Bedell - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):1823-1830.
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    Shiva’s dance of the relational interface.Karamjit S. Gill - 2015 - AI and Society 30 (2):143-145.
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